Blog: A Stealth Attack on Our Sovereignty- the Law Of The Sea Treaty


Date: Sept. 16, 2010
Issues: Oil and Gas

The Law of the Sea Treaty is a cornerstone of United Nations Agenda 21. This document came out during the Reagan presidency and is intended to promote the one world government under U.N. control.

In short, the Law of the Sea Treaty is an agreement to spread the wealth of nations to various 3rd world countries who do not have the resources or ability to go after the resources they have. The problem with this agenda is that the United Nations is involved. There are provisions that set up the "Seabed Authority" through the U.N. to grant mining leases beyond the newly established 200 mile territorial limits, thereby providing significant funding for U.N. operations that also did not exist before. Now revenues must be paid to countries and to the U.N. that used to be free international waters thereby "spreading the wealth of industrialized nations".

Another problem is the cleverly written statement that the "oceans are the common heritage of mankind". This could be interpreted to mean anything the U.N. wants to declare as common heritage. This would give the U.N. the ability to impose its authority on sovereign waters and actions of countries if their actions impede on the common heritage of other nations by affecting their common rights.

The impact of "environmental concerns" of the fraudulent science of man- made climate change is a concept that the U.N. buys into with all its force. This could impact our international as well as national operations once the U.N. has its hooks into us under treaty.

One big issue is the pro LOST supporters trying to get us into the treaty by saying that we could modify the treaty. Make no mistake; the U.S. will be able to modify nothing as we would have only 1 vote which is always overridden in U.N. negotiations. The cost to America has always been extreme to engage in U.N. activities due to our wealth and influence. The U.N. is big on spreading the wealth but not the costs.

I was surprised by Sarah Palin's support of LOST until I saw an oil production and consumption sheet on Alaska's production. Their production of crude oil is down 1.45 million barrels /day since their peak in 1988. She is holding that her state will be able to acquire mineral and oil extraction rights in areas that extend beyond anyone's respective continental shelves. This may be good for Alaska but not for the United States.

In short, we have nothing to gain but could be losing our control over our own destiny by subjugating ourselves to the United Nations. The U.N. is renowned for its corruption and ability to shed responsibility for its actions. Does this remind you of anyone else? Many of the countries that comprise the U.N. consistently act against our interests and will veto any input the United States would submit, if for no other reason than because the United States requested it.

Lastly, take into consideration how deviously the president and his congress are working to push through this treaty in direct opposition to the U.S. Constitution. There is an agenda in the oval office and that agenda is United Nations Agenda 21 -- the one world global government. It is irrefutable.

I have written a document tying all of this together, complete with links to the named government documents. It is attached here as a Microsoft Word document, you can click on the link below to read it. Please contact me if you have any trouble reading it, or if you would like more information.

This is a very important issue that very few people know about, and I am the only candidate that is talking about it. Our Representative, Allen Boyd, voted FOR the CLEAR Act (HR 3534) on July 30, 2010. Our Congress has a poor history of hiding things in huge bills, and this is yet another example, although the CLEAR Act bill is "only" 282 pages. Many in our nation's history fought hard for it, and some paid the ultimate price for our freedom. We simply cannot give away all that we have worked and fought for.
